EFCEM has issued an invitation to attend the 2nd of their free webinars on 27th May from 14:00 – 15:30 to address issues related to Legislation-Standardisation In Global Markets. Message from EFCEM below:
EFCEM National Associations receive frequent questions from their Companies members on new markets at worldwide level and are interested to know applicable Legislation-Standardisation in those markets. The service we are investigating shall meet the following conditions:
The search resulted in a couple of suppliers that may deliver services answering the three conditions. The first of these took place on 22nd May and the next is scheduled for 27th May. The webinar is open to all EFCEM Company members to present the characteristics of the service they deliver and to answer to eventual question with the support of the experts from the supplier. The webinar will be held on 27nd May from 14:00 to 15:30 CET time. IFSA Members can register to the webinar at the following poll: https://doodle.com/poll/tgmkwp47nh7pbhkf indicating your name and email. Please note that this will be an interactive webinar, allowing to all participants to ask questions and to comment on real time. Details on how to connect are indicated as follows: https://zoom.us/j/97972853651 Meeting ID: 979 7285 3651 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aWjkG3T7z Comments are closed.
November 2024